I'm developing using IONIC framework. I'm having trouble with the hardware back button.
In android the hardware back button works perfectly, but the windows phone did not work out. When I use the back button on windows phone minimizes the application and returns the device's home.
This function only works on android:
$ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function () {
console.log("Not work in WP");
}, 100);
help !!
In site https://www.hoessl.eu/2014/12/on-using-the-ionic-framework-for-windows-phone-8-1-apps/ have a post calling -> Not fixed yet: Back Button
Not fixed yet: Back Button
With Windows Phone 8.0, listening on the “backbutton” event was pretty simple, just as with android. On WP8.1, this event is not triggered anymore. I haven’t figured out how to enable it yet. Any hint would be appreciated.
But a user commented the solution. follows the passage that worked in my case
Back Button Fix :
Set your $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction
$ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function (evt) {
if (evt && evt.type == ‘backclick’) {
return true;
}, 100);
Hookin WinJS and send it to Ionic :
WinJS.Application.onbackclick = function (evt) {
return true;
Easy Fix, long time figuring it out