The Data
I'm working in MS Access 2013. I have two tables ('Import' and 'Import-Pay'). I have a query that combines data from the two.
Import-Pay contains transaction data from a client, which includes the occasional duplicate transaction record (example: customer buys something +$50, customer returns -$50, customer changes mind and buys it again +$50). Its rare, but it happens. My issue is, when creating my clients billing report (the query), since the client is only recording date of sale in the transaction I end up with TWO +$50 records in the Import-Pay table.
The Query
I am querying the transaction data and marrying it with secondary table information on the customers via the query below:
SELECT DISTINCTROW Import.[ACCOUNT#] AS [ACCOUNT#], [Import-Pay].[Account Number], [Import-Pay].[Name], [Import-Pay].[P TRANS DT], [Import-Pay].[P Trans Amt], [Import-Pay].[Total Account Balance]
FROM Import RIGHT JOIN [Import-Pay] ON Import.[CD#] = [Import-Pay].[Account Number]
GROUP BY Import.[ACCOUNT#], [Import-Pay].[Account Number], [Import-Pay].[Name], [Import-Pay].[P TRANS DT], [Import-Pay].[P Trans Amt], [Import-Pay].[Total Account Balance];
My Issue
The tables are RIGHT joined, so ALL records from my 'Import-Pay' table should be displayed... but for some reason the duplicate records of Import-Pay are lost after the query runs giving me a different total [Trans Amt].
I've messed with this for two days now and I'm out of ideas. A fresh set of eyes on the problem would be greatly appreciated!
You don't have any Aggregate functions, so get rid of the GROUP BY clause. Also remove DISTINCTROW.
Your Import-Pay
table should have a Primary Key. Include this column (if it is a composite key, all columns) in the SELECT list.
If it doesn't have a Primary Key, create one (an AutoNumber column works fine).