Here is the situation. I need to send a ajax request to a Django view function every second and this view function will send some asynchronous requests to a third party API to get some data by grequests. These data will render to HTML after this view function returned. here show the code
desc_ip_list=['', '']
reqs = [grequests.get('%s%s' % ('', desc_ip))
for desc_ip in desc_ip_list]
response =
When I runserver django and send this ajax request, the amount of threads of python is always increasing until error "can't start new thread" happened. enter image description here
error: can't start new thread
<Greenlet at 0x110473b90: <bound method AsyncRequest.send of <grequests.AsyncRequest object at 0x1103fd1d0>>(stream=False)>
failed with error
How can I control the amount of threads? I have no idea of it because I'm a beginner pythoner. Thanks a lot.
Maybe your desc_ip_list
is too long, and thus for let's say, a hundred IPs, you'd be spawning 100 requests, made by 100 threads!
See here in the grequests code.
What you should do:
You should probably specify the size
param in the map()
call to a reasonable number,
probably (2*n+1) where n is the number of cores in your CPU, at max. It will make sure that you don't process all the IPs in the desc_ip_list
at the same time, thereby spawning as many threads.
EDIT: More info, from a gevent doc page:
The Pool class, which is a subclass of Group, provides a way to limit concurrency: its spawn method blocks if the number of greenlets in the pool has already reached the limit, until there is a free slot.
Why am I mentioning this? Let's trace it back from grequests:
In map()
, we have from lineno 113-114:
pool = Pool(size) if size else None
jobs = [send(r, pool, stream=stream) for r in requests]
And in lineno 85 in send()
, we have:
return gevent.spawn(r.send, stream=stream)
This is the return statement that will be executed from send()
because its param pool
will be None, because in map(), you didn't specify size
. Now go back a few lines above and read what I quoted from the gevent docs.