I want to authenticate a user account which is already created from web admin console, so that I can retrieve user account's data.
I have seen the docs regarding authentication scheme but didn't find any code snippet.
Here's an example of authenticating an existing user with Stormpath:
// Instantiate a builder for your client and set required properties
ClientBuilder builder = Clients.builder();
// Build the client instance that you will use throughout your application code
Client client = builder.build();
Tenant tenant = client.getCurrentTenant();
ApplicationList applications = tenant.getApplications(
Applications.where(Applications.name().eqIgnoreCase("My Application"))
Application application = applications.iterator().next();
//Capture the username and password, such as via an SSL-encrypted web HTML form.
//We'll just simulate a form lookup and use the values we used above:
String usernameOrEmail = "[email protected]";
String rawPassword = "Changeme1";
//Create an authentication request using the credentials
AuthenticationRequest request = new UsernamePasswordRequest(usernameOrEmail, rawPassword);
//Now let's authenticate the account with the application:
try {
AuthenticationResult result = application.authenticateAccount(request);
Account account = result.getAccount();
} catch (ResourceException ex) {
System.out.println(ex.getStatus() + " " + ex.getMessage());
You can see more about the Stormpath Java SDK here
Full disclosure: I work for Stormpath.