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Trigger Automated Test from Testrail to Ranorex

Anyone had also worked with TestRail(maybe by a click of a button) trigger automated test run in Ranorex and return the result/s back to testrail.

Would it be possible to share to us the steps you made and maybe a sample code.

Can you highlight how you run multiple test case in Ranorex.



  • I have used TestRails API binding for .NET ( for writing a simple C# file in Ranorex.

    The idea is to have a test run with tests in TestRail and Ranorex posting to TestRail about the success of the test execution of these tests.

    var testCase = TestCase.Current.Parameters["test_case"];
    var runID = TestSuite.Current.Parameters["run_id"];
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(testCase)) 
        Report.Failure("Test case '" + TestCase.Current.Name + "' has no test case id defined !");
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(runID)) 
        Report.Failure("Test suite '" + TestSuite.Current.Name + "' has no run id defined !");
    APIClient client = new APIClient("https://<your_server>");
    client.User = "<user>";
    client.Password = "<api_key>";
    var data = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "status_id", 1 }, // 1 = successful
        { "comment",  "test case executed in Ranorex" }
    JObject r = (JObject) client.SendPost("add_result_for_case/" + runID + "/" + testCase, data);

    This posts the result for one case to Ranorex (therefore the add_result_for_case method. The runID is a parameter I give in command line when I execute the suite and each test case in Ranorex corresponds to one test case in TestRail and must hold the test case id.

    Take a look at about what possibilities the TestRail api offers