Search code examples

Difference between Elastic Search and Google Search Appliance page ranking

How does the page ranking in elastic search work. Once we create an index is there an underlying intelligent layer that creates a metadata repository and provides results to query based on relevance. I have created several indices and I want to know how the results are ordered once a query is provided. And is there a way to influence these results based on relationships between different records.


  • Do you mean how documents are scored in elasticsearch? Or are you talking about the 'page-rank' in elasticsearch?

    Documents are scored based on how well the query matches the document. This approach is based on the TF-IDF concept term frequency–inverse document frequency. There is, however, no 'page-rank' in elasticsearch. The 'page-rank' takes into consideration how many documents point towards a given document. A document with many in-links is weighted higher than other. This is meant to reflect the fact whether a document is authoritative or not.

    In elasticsearch, however, the relations between the documents are not taken into account when it comes to scoring.