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PERL LibXML Parser

I am having following XML which I required to process


I wrote the following code to process this XML

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $respDom = $parser->parse_string($xmldata);
my @rowNodes = $respDom->getDocumentElement->findnodes("//content");

if(scalar @rowNodes > 0) 
    print "\nRow nodes size is ".scalar @rowNodes."\n"; 
    foreach my $rowNode (@rowNodes) {
          my $colNode = $rowNode->findnodes("//data")->[0];           
          my $num = $colNode->textContent;

          print "\nNUM is ".$colNode;

My result showing the size of node "content" is 2. But it returns "gt1" two times inside the loop, It is not returning "gt2" in the second iteration.

Is there anything I need to change on this ?


  • Your XPath expression for finding the data node is wrong. An XPath with //foo will search any element with that name. It searches in the whole document tree, not only below that node. And with your ->[0] it will always return the first match, which is gt1 for the full document.

    Remove the slashes.

    my $colNode = $rowNode->findnodes("data")->[0];

    To check that $rowNode actually contains the full document tree, but only points to the current node, try this:

    my $colNode = $rowNode->findnodes("../content/data")->[0];

    It will also give you gt1 twice.