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Why am I getting an error before configuring a device in Visual Studio 2015?

I want to deploy my driver for testing. I have provisioned my target computer for testing (although this shouldn't matter because I am not even at that step yet). On my host computer I open Visual Studio and go to

Driver > Test > Configure Devices

and immediately an error window saying:

enter image description here

Inappropriate request for export from part that belongs to another sharing boundary.

This looks like a bug in my Visual Studio (I have just recently updated to VS Update 1).

I am going to uninstall and reinstall since I have already tried repair. Any other ideas?

UPDATE: Uninstall and Reinstall didn't work. The bug is documented on Microsoft Connect: Fails to load Configure Devices (Closed)


  • I was successfully able to configure and provision a new device using the following method:

    1. Project properties
    2. Debugging
    3. Remote Computer Name, drop down and select Configure... enter image description here
    4. Successfully shows the device configuration wizard, and was able to provision the target computer.

    Was then able to select the target in Driver Install - Deployment, however I get the following error when selecting "Deploy". This could be related to my project tho, please let me know if you also see this.

    Please select a valid target machine for deployment from the project property page

    UPDATE: the above error may have simply been that I had the wrong configuration selected when hitting Deploy.