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Slick2D - Detect mouse hover on an Image

I'm trying to detect when a mouse is hovering an image (Play Image) and when I'm clicking the mouse something happens.

I draw an image on the center of the screen and I don't know how to implement this on my own code:

        public void init(GameContainer arg0, StateBasedGame arg1) throws SlickException {
            f = (float) (0.1 * Main_Activity.apg.getHeight() / 180);
            play = new Image("res/play_image.png");
            play_Original_Width = play.getWidth();
            play_Original_Height = play.getHeight();
            Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
            width = screenSize.getWidth();
            height = screenSize.getHeight();

        public void render(GameContainer arg0, StateBasedGame arg1, Graphics g) throws SlickException {

            play.draw(Main_Activity.apg.getWidth() / 2 - ((play_Original_Width * f) / 2),
                    Main_Activity.apg.getHeight() / 2 - ((play_Original_Height * f) / 2), f);


    public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int arg2) throws SlickException {
        int x = Mouse.getX();
        int y = Mouse.getY();



apg = new AppGameContainer(new Main_Activity(game_Name));
            apg.setDisplayMode((int) width, (int) height, false);

How can I manage to detect when the mouse is hovering the image (Play Image)?

Thanks in advanace.


  • You just have to test if your x value is between your Image X and Image X + image width, and same for your y value.

    In your update method :

    int x = Mouse.getX();
    int y = Mouse.getY();
    int playX = Main_Activity.apg.getWidth() / 2 - ((play_Original_Width * f) / 2);
    int playY = Main_Activity.apg.getHeight() / 2 - ((play_Original_Height * f) / 2);
    if (x > playX && x < playX+play_Original_Width && y > playY && y < playY + play_Original_Height) {
        // then your mouse coordinates are over your image.

    Additional (use if useful to you):

    In some personal code, I used to implement a ImageRectangle that inherits from Rectangle and contains an Image. With this behaviour I could use the method intersects to detect this over. And I prefer using a mouseListener to manage these mouse event.

    public ImageRectangle extends Rectangle {
        Image play;
        public ImageRectangle(Image,x,y,f){...}
        public void init(...){...}
        public void render(...){this.image.draw();}
        public void update(...){...}

    In your mouseMoved method :

    Rectangle mousePosition = new Rectangle(x,y,1,1);
    if(mousePosition.intersects(playImageRectangle)) {//do whatever you need}