I want to use a ViewStub with ButterKnife, This is what I've done:
public class ExampleFragment extends Fragment {
@InjectView ( R.id.stub )
ViewStub mStub;
/* A TextView in the ViewStub */
@InjectView ( R.id.text )
TextView mText;
public View onCreateView ( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate ( R.layout.rootview, container, false );
ButterKnife.inject ( this, rootView );
mStub.setLayoutResource ( R.layout.stub_layout );
View inflated = mStub.inflate ();
ButterKnife.inject ( mStub, inflated );
return rootView;
and the log says:
mText is a null object reference
I have no idea now, any advice is welcome. Thanks!
Here is the answer from Jake for this request:
Create a nested class which holds the views inside the stub and then call inject on an instance of that class using the viewstub as the root.
For code refer to this Github issue.