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Meteor simpleSchema prevent field updates

Is it possible to specify that a field is not updateable using the schema itself rather than defining it in an allow/deny rule?

I am wondering because I use a quickform to allow users to edit their user details based on the users document (accounts package) and I want to prevent them from being able to change the verified state for their email address.

A rule based on user roles would be great to only allow admins and meteor itself to change the state of this field.

I'd be hoping for something like this:

    emails: {
        type: Array,
        optional: true
    "emails.$": {
        type: Object
    "emails.$.address": {
        type: String,
        regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email
    "emails.$.verified": {
        type: Boolean
        allowRoles: ['admin','system'] // this does not exist

regards, Chris


  • You have a few different options.

    To prevent anyone from updating a field, you can set the denyUpdate field in the flag definition (requires aldeed:collection2)

    "emails.$.verified": {
        type: Boolean
        denyUpdate: true

    To allow it to be updated by admin's only, you could try a custom validator that checks the userId to see if it is an admin (example requires aldeed:collection2 and alanning:roles)

    "emails.$.verified": {
        type: Boolean
        custom: function() {
          if ( this.isSet && this.isUpdate &&  !Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, "admin") ) {
            return "unauthorized";

    You'd probably also want to define a message for the "unauthorized" validation error.

       "unauthorized" : "You do not have permission to update this field"

    This will display an error to the user if they try to change the field.

    Alternately, you could simply unset the value provided by non-admin users and allow the rest of the update to go ahead.

    "emails.$.verified": {
        type: Boolean
        autoValue: function() {
          if ( !Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, "admin") ) {