I'm learning Ruby right now, using the tutorial from http://www.humblelittlerubybook.com/book/html/chapter2.html
The subchapter that I'm currently at is: "Methods and Variables"
I've made an array of instances of the Boogeyman class and I want to call each 'change_location' method of those instances and change their instance variable @location to a value specified by an array.
class Boogeyman
def initialize(name, location)
@name = name
@location = location
puts "Yes, Master?"
def change_location(newlocation)
@location = newlocation
puts "I moved to #{newlocation}."
def change_name(newname)
@name = newname
puts "I shall be called #{newname} from now on!"
def get_info
puts "I am #{@name} in #{@location}."
army = Array.new
army.push(Boogeyman.new("Mister Creepy", "New York, NY"))
army.push(Boogeyman.new("Loopy Lou", "Albuquerque, NM"))
locations = ["location1", "location2"]
In other words: I want to change the location of all the boogeymen in the army.
I've already learned the .each method and expect to provide the array 'locations' with all the locations in it in the following way:
army.each {|boogeyman| boogeyman.change_location(locations)}
army.each(locations) {|boogeyman| boogeyman.change_location(locations)}
I moved to location1!
I am Mister Creepy in location1.
I moved to location2!
I am Loopy Lou in location2.
I moved to ["place1", "place2"]!
I am Mister Creepy in ["place1", "place2"].
I moved to ["place1", "place2"]!
I am Loopy Lou in ["place1", "place2"].
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
from (irb):158:in 'each'
from (irb):158
from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in '<main>'
As you can see, the result isn't as I expected. I suspect there will be very little difference between my expectations and the actual code, but I can't find out what it actually is.
PS. Please notify me when you see something that needs to be clarified or corrected.
is setting each Boogeyman's @location
to the whole array. What you want is to iterate over pairs (zip
) of boogeyman and his location:
army.zip(locations).each { |boogeyman, location|