So basically I want to write a word, and when I press enter I want to store this string from buffer to array. As I write the first word it might work but when I want to add a second word it is getting tricky.
e.g.1st input is:first\0
2nd input is:two\0
then:Ctrl+Z(to get out of the loop)
Output I want:first two (actually printing the 'array' array.)
My Code is Here:
printf("Enter a text: \n");
while(fgets(buffer, 100 , stdin) != NULL){
for (i=position;i<(position+numberOfChars);i++){
See comments in the code:
printf("Enter a text: \n");
while(fgets(buffer, 100 , stdin) != NULL){
/* because you want to add space between 'first' and 'two' */
if (position != 0) {
array[position] = ' ';
/* you need to get the buffer len for THIS iteration */
for (i=position;i<(position+numberOfChars);i++){
/* i is a valid indice for array but not for buffer[0..numberOfChars-1] */
/* array[i]=buffer[i]; */
array[i] = buffer[i-position];
/* adding one will not add a space char */
/* position=position+numberOfChars+1; */
position = position+numberOfChars;
/* finaly add the null char at the end of the string (string is null terminated) */
array[position] = '\0';
You may also try this:
printf("Enter a text: \n");
/* set array as an empty string */
array[0] = 0;
/* read from stdin */
while(fgets(buffer, 100, stdin) != NULL) {
/* append a space to array if it isn't empty */
if (array[0] != 0)
strcat(array, " ");
/* append buffer to array */
strcat(array, buffer)
/* print resulting array */