I am trying to comment an API (.Net) that I am exposing to a customer. I am doing this by using XML comments, and extracting via SandCastle.
This is all fine and dandy, however I have unittesting for the API, and thought the code from these would be good to place in the example tags.
So does anyone know of a good way to extract unit test code and place in the example tags? Or does anyone have better ideas?
Of course I redistribute the unit tests with the API, but it would be good to have them in the documentation.
I am using NUnit and Sandcastle Help File Builder. Please take a look at Sandcastle Help File Builder documentation about The Code Block Component.
Here is an example how I place unit tests code in the example tag:
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string representation of an object.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Comma separated string.</returns>
/// <example>
/// <code source="UnitM.CentrallProcessingLib.Tests\Data\CSVDataRowTests.cs" region="ToString_a" />
/// </example>
public override string ToString()
return this.Data;
Here is a referenced unit test (CSVDataRowTests.cs) (it should be inside the #region section):
#region ToString_a
public void ToString_a()
CSVDataRow res = new CSVDataRow
Data = "1;2;3"
Assert.AreEqual(res.ToString(), res.Data);
Best regards.