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Create a Nuget package VS 2015

I want to create a Nuget Package from an exiting VS 2015 ASP NET 5 Project. Its not an empty project, I have my own folder structure and dependencies in this project. What I need here is when any developer installs this package the package should create necessary folders and files in the target project.

I want this basically to have a standard project structure which can be used by developers which will have the boilerplate code.

I tried using Nuget Package Explorer, but when I install it on a web application it does not create any folders that I have in the package. Here is a snapshot of the Nuget Package explorer

My package

I also tried dnu pack command, but not sure what else I need to have in project.json to make all the folders and files part of the package.

Is Nuget package the correct way to go, or should it be a VS 2015 Project template?

Really appreciate if anyone could give me some pointers on how to achieve this.


  • Nuget transforms don't look to be supported in ASP.NET 5 as yet. Here's the intended future spec.

    For now, creating a Project Template, instructions here, looks the way to go.