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my assert report statement written in the vhdl testbench is not showing in the console

i am writing a code and test bench for 2 bit register, but in my test bench my assert report statement are not showing up in the console, when i run the simulation of the test bench. i am using Modelsim PE student version 10.4a and i am running the simulation for 100 ns. here is the test bench and console image plz help. thanks in advance.snapshot of modelsim simulation

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use std.textio.all;

entity reg_TB is            -- entity declaration
end reg_TB;


architecture TB of reg_TB is

    component reg
    port(   I:      in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
            clock:  in std_logic;
        load:   in std_logic;
        clear:  in std_logic;
        Q:      out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
    end component;

    signal T_I:     std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal T_clock: std_logic;
    signal T_load:  std_logic;
    signal T_clear: std_logic;
    signal T_Q:     std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);


    U_reg: reg port map (T_I, T_clock, T_load, T_clear, T_Q);

    -- concurrent process to offer the clock signal
    T_clock <= '0';
    wait for 5 ns;
    T_clock <= '1';
    wait for 5 ns;
    end process;


    variable err_cnt: integer :=0;


    T_I <= "10";
    T_load <= '0';
    T_clear <= '1';

    -- case 1
    wait for 20 ns;
    T_load <= '1';
    wait for 10 ns;
    assert (T_Q="10") report "Test1 Failed!" severity error;
    if (T_Q/=T_I) then
        err_cnt := err_cnt+1;
    end if;

    -- case 2               
    wait for 10 ns;
    T_load <= '0';
    wait for 10 ns;
    assert (T_Q="10") report "Test2 Failed!" severity error;
    if (T_Q/=T_I) then
        err_cnt := err_cnt+1;
    end if;     

    -- case 3
    wait for 10 ns;
    T_clear <= '0';                                        
    wait for 10 ns;
    assert (T_Q="00") report "Test3 Failed!" severity error;
    if (T_Q/=T_I) then
        err_cnt := err_cnt+1;
    end if;

    -- case 4
    wait for 10 ns;
    T_clear <= '1';
    wait for 10 ns;
    assert (T_Q="00") report "Test4 Failed!" severity error;
    if (T_Q/=T_I) then
        err_cnt := err_cnt+1;
    end if;

    -- summary of all the tests
    if (err_cnt=0) then 
        assert false
        report "Testbench of register completely successfully!"
        severity note;
        assert true
        report "Something wrong, check again pls!"
        severity error;
    end if;


    end process;

end TB;

configuration CFG_TB of reg_TB is
    for TB
    end for;
end CFG_TB;


  • If you sprinkle report statements for err_cnt immediately following the if statements in each test case:

        if (T_Q/=T_I) then
            err_cnt := err_cnt+1;
        end if;
        report "err_cont = " &integer'image(err_cnt);

    You'd find that test cases 3 and test cases 4 increment err_cnt without failing:

    reg_tb.vhdl:93:5:@30ns:(report note): err_cont = 0
    reg_tb.vhdl:102:5:@50ns:(report note): err_cont = 0
    reg_tb.vhdl:111:5:@70ns:(report note): err_cont = 1
    reg_tb.vhdl:120:5:@90ns:(report note): err_cont = 2

    The time stamps show these as test cases 1 - 4, err_cnt is a variable so it was incremented in the last two.

    And that prevents the first report here:

        -- summary of all the tests
        if (err_cnt=0) then 
            assert false
            report "Testbench of register completely successfully!"
            severity note;
            assert true
            report "Something wrong, check again pls!"
            severity error;
        end if;

    As Brian commented the assert true is never false and you won't execute the second report statement in the summary.

    As MbyD notes you have a disparity between what you are asserting and what you consider an error for err_cnt purposes and the if statement conditions are invalid for cases 3 and 4:
