I have 2 seprate models an i need to change these models in one of the view.
Can this be done using backbone.js
If yes can anyone provide me a brief sample
One way to do this is to bind a collection
of these models to the view:
var collection = new Backbone.Collection();
And when you create the view, you should initialzie it with this collection:
var myView = new View({collection:collection});
Then, in the view you can change each of the views the following way:
events :{ 'input input' : 'updateModels'},
updateModels: function(e){
for(var i=0;i<this.collection.length;i++)
The above example will be fired for example when the user inputs.
Another way is to set a custom property in your collection to hold an array of these models and then do the same thing, but I think that using collections could do the work for you.
You can see a very simple and dummy example here: http://jsfiddle.net/nwo5bww1/