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How to append owner's sign in the template using Hellosign API?

This questions is regarding Hellosign API. I am creating a template where i want to owner's sign(Suppose, I am owner then my sign will append there automatically). I create it using Hellosign website but now i want to create it using hellosign API. Here i am generating dynamic template. So please give me answer. Thank you in advance.

Example (What i want)

Check this image please. I have a html-css block like below picture. I want to get default owner's signature and current date using hellosign.

Here is my code, what i have done

<!-- PHP code -->
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
$api_key   = ('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
$client_id = ('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
$client = new HelloSign\Client($api_key);
$request = new HelloSign\SignatureRequest;
$request->setSubject('My First embedded signature request');
$embedded_request = new HelloSign\EmbeddedSignatureRequest($request, $client_id);
$response = $client->createEmbeddedSignatureRequest($embedded_request);
$response = $client->getEmbeddedSignUrl($signature_id);
$sign_url = $response->getSignUrl();

<!-- Script code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var claim_url = "<?PHP echo $claim_url;?>";
     // alert(claim_url);{
        url: claim_url,     
        allowCancel: false,
        skipDomainVerification: true,
        height: 640,
        width: 1368,
        requester: "",
        container: document.getElementById('wmtest'),
        messageListener: function(eventData) {
            alert("HelloSign event received");


  • You mention templates, though your code is for embedded signing using a file/url. Here's an example of an embedded signature request using a template for reference:

    $client = new HelloSign\Client('f167bc93d1390z467k026h84c4f8b9a1aa8c043f5f58a54cd0db300766986254');
    $request = new HelloSign\TemplateSignatureRequest;
    $request->setSubject('Purchase Order');
    $request->setMessage('Glad we could come to an agreement.');
    $request->setSigner('Client', '', 'George');
    $request->setCC('Accounting', '');
    $request->setCustomFieldValue('Cost', '$20,000');
    $client_id = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
    $embedded_request = new HelloSign\EmbeddedSignatureRequest($request, $client_id);
    $response = $client->createEmbeddedSignatureRequest($embedded_request);

    Also, you wouldn't be able to sign the document programmatically. Instead, your options are either signing the document during Template creation on, then using a Me (when sending) text box and passing the sign date as a CustomFieldValue with the signature request. Or you could include yourself as a signer along with your other signers, and bring up the signature request in an iframe just like your other signers.

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