I have the following lines of code inside of a Struts2 <s:iterator>
<s:radio name="indicatorFlag" list = "seqNoMap" value="indicatorFlag" /></div>
<div><s:property value = "indicatorFlag"/></div>
The seqNoMap
is a defined on my action page as follows.
seqNoMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
seqNoMap.put("Y", " Yes ");
seqNoMap.put("N", " No ");
The radio buttons show up on my page and passes the selection info back to the indicatorFlag
field on the action page, but the value="indicatorFlag"
in the <s:radio>
tag does not preselect the radio button even though it does print out a Y or an N in the <s:property>
tag on the second line. The indicatorFlag
changes values as the iterator goes through the list (it is a field of the objects in the list being iterated). I have found several places which answer this question and I think I am applying the answers they give, but obviously I am missing something. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the relevant code for the RefQuestionAction
action page.
private HashMap<String, String> seqNoMap;
private List<RefQuestionInfo> questionInfoList;
private String indicatorFlag; // Char (1) flag
public RefQuestionAction(){
seqNoMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
seqNoMap.put("Y", " Yes ");
seqNoMap.put("N", " No ");
Here is the code which defines the object RefQuestionInfo
(The indicatorFlag
is the only field involved in this question).
public class RefQuestionInfo extends BaseInfo implements Serializable {
private int questionId;
private int seqNo;
private String indicatorFlag;
private Date activeDate;
private Date inactiveDate;
private String question;
Here is the Struts2 code inside of the <s:iterator>
tag. I have stripped out most of the page code to focus on what my problem is.
<s:iterator value = "questionInfoList" var = "questionInfo">
<s:radio name="indicatorFlag" list = "seqNoMap" value="indicatorFlag" />
<div><s:property value = "indicatorFlag"/></div>
The output looks like this.
I want the Yes or No radio value to be preselected based on the Y or N which is on the line after the radio buttons.
Your all radio buttons have the same name, that means that you can have only one of them selected. Assign different names for them using iterator status
<s:iterator value="questionInfoList" var="questionInfo" status="stat">
<s:radio name="indicatorFlag%{#stat.index}" list="seqNoMap" value="indicatorFlag" />
<div><s:property value="indicatorFlag" /></div>
Note that you have variable with the same name indicatorFlag
inside action and inside your RefQuestionInfo
in the above code the one inside RefQuestionInfo
will be used.