So in a picker in eWam / wynsure the field usually gets passed directly to some sort of OQL statement.
Hence, if I want to search for a field whose value ends in "asdf", I enter "%asdf" into the picker field.
My question is thus: from the picker, is there anyway to specify 'I want all entries that end in "asdf" OR "qwer"'?
If not, I would recommend that this become a feature as it would be very useful to be able to enter all that right in the text field.
There is currently no way to search multiple strings in a single field beyond using wildcards. One can do this easily by creating multiple fields in the picker.
Alternatively one could customize the picker as follows:
You are still using multiple fields, but the user get's a different experience. Keep in mind the dangers of parsing out the user input, using something like or would work out very badly splitting up words, & could show up in a company name...