We are using kendo multiselect with mvc wrappers. Everything on the setup works fine, but the selected items are sorted by the data value field. I simply want them to be sorted by the data text field, but nothing worked so far.
@(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(m => m.SelectedPersonIds)
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 400px" })
.DataSource(ds =>
ds.Read(read =>
read.Action("GetPersons", "Person", new { area = "" });
This is the working version. I tried adding
ds.Custom().Sort(s => s.Add("Name").Ascending());
and other approaches, but still no luck. The initial data, coming from the server, is sorted and therefore the list you select from is sorted perfectly (by Name).
How can i achieve that the selected items are also sorted by Name instead of by ID? Thanks in advance.
I don't know is there is ASP.NET solution but i can give you JavaScript to solve it:
function onMultiselectChange(e) {
e.sender.tagList.find('> li').sort(function (a, b) {
return $(a).text() > $(b).text();
You can apply it to your ASP.NET multiselect like this:
.Events(e =>