I have the following query which is a raw SQL using Sequel's .fetch method (Hopefully i can use the sequel DSL for this)
Radacct.fetch("SELECT `acctstarttime` AS `date`, count(*) AS `count` FROM `radacct` WHERE (`calledstationid` = ?) GROUP BY DATE(acctstarttime)", 'C8-60-00-95-4B-0F')
The result data is:
Which is hash in array. What chartkick gem's line_chart reads the data should be like this:
I am unsure how to use the .map function or .collect to flatten and remove the keys (date and count) so i can render the line chart in chartkick properly.
You need to put something like this :
array.collect{|i| [i[:date],i[:count]]}
And you get this:
array= [{"date":"2015-11-08T19:59:57.000+08:00","count":4},{"date":"2015-11-09T00:02:37.000+08:00","count":3}]
=> [{:date=>"2015-11-08T19:59:57.000+08:00", :count=>4}, {:date=>"2015-11-09T00:02:37.000+08:00", :count=>3}]
array.collect{|i| [i[:date],i[:count]]}
=> [["2015-11-08T19:59:57.000+08:00", 4], ["2015-11-09T00:02:37.000+08:00", 3]]