I have Cube where data is aggregated and all I need to have count of records against each 2 digit zip code.
Attached image shows my cube hierarchies and measures.
I applied query like :
WITH MEMBER [Measures].NoOfConsignments as Count(([Consignment].[Target Address Name].[Target Address Name]))
select filter([Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Zip2], [Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Target Address Country] = "94") on rows,
{[Measures].NoOfConsignments} on columns
from [RebellOlap]
where ({[Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Target Address Country].&[94]})
but is throwing an error :
"The Distribution Area hierarchy already appears in the Axis1 axis"
I re-structured and formulated following sub-select query in the following way :
WITH MEMBER [Measures].NoOfConsignments as Count(([Consignment].[Target Address Name].[Target Address Name]))
NON EMPTY [Measures].NoOfConsignments on columns,
NON EMPTY [Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Zip2] on rows
SELECT {[Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Zip2],[Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Target Address Country].&[94]}
FROM [RebellOlap]
but it also returned me the 'ambiguity error'.
all I need Output in following manner
AllConsignments in Germany
All Consignments in Germany against specific Zip Code
I just applied filter for all zip codes and introduce "Range" as Operator with 'Filter Expression' and it worked!!
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[ConsignmentCount] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { ([Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Zip2].ALLMEMBERS ) } ON ROWS
FROM ( SELECT ( [Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Zip2].&[94]&[0]&[01] : [Consignment].[Distribution Area].[Zip2].&[94]&[9]&[99] ) ON COLUMNS
FROM [RebellOlap])