In git it is possible to show an ASCII graph of the log with git log --graph
which outputs a commandline graph something like:
* 040cc7c (HEAD, master) Mannual is NOT built by default
* a29ceb7 Removed offensive binary file that was compiled on my machine
| * 901c7dd (cvc3) cvc3 now configured before building
| * d9e8b5e More sane Yices SMT solver caller
| | * 5b98a10 (nullvars) All uninitialized variables get zero inits
| |/
| * 1cad874 CFLAGS for cvc3 to work succesfully
* d642f88 Option -aliasstat, by default stats are suppressed
or lsvtree
commands, without the need to open a GUI?Since I couldn't find anything that suited me, I created my own python script with this ability. It is still a little rough, but works for me.
For anyone interested, it is available here as a github gist