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Sidekiq web panel shows forbidden

I have mounted the Sidekiq panel in my Sinatra app like this:

require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'sidekiq/web'

env = ENV['RACK_ENV'].to_sym || :development

Bundler.require(:default, :sinatra, env)
disable :run
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8

set :environment, env

use Rack::ShowExceptions
use Rack::Session::Pool
use Rack::MethodOverride

Sidekiq::Web.use Rack::Session::Pool

require File.expand_path '../app/my_app.rb', __FILE__
run"/" =>, "/sidekiq" =>

This means my app is accessible through / and the sidekiq web panel through /sidekiq.

Now when I try to delete a job, I always get Forbidden. I read here and here but wether upgrading to rack-protection > 1.5.1 nor setting a session for Sidekiq::Web has solved the problem so far.

I'm starting my server with rackup using WEBrick, so I think this shouldn't be a server problem.

I'm using sinatra 1.4.2 with sidekiq 3.5.1. Any ideas on how to solve this?


  • I've found a solution. First I updated from sidekiq 3.4.2 to 4.0.1 and from sinatra 1.4.2 to 1.4.6. No problems so far.

    The problem with the Forbidden message was a missing authenticity token for sidekiq's web panel. By adding the following lines, it worked:

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'bundler'
    require 'sidekiq/web'
    # added a require for rack/protection
    require 'rack/protection'
    env = ENV['RACK_ENV'].to_sym || :development
    Bundler.require(:default, :sinatra, env)
    disable :run
    Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
    set :environment, env
    use Rack::ShowExceptions
    use Rack::Session::Pool
    use Rack::MethodOverride
    # tell sinatra to use rack's protection methods
    use Rack::Protection
    require File.expand_path '../app/my_app.rb', __FILE__
    run"/" =>, "/sidekiq" =>

    Also have a look at where all the protection methods are listed.