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Getting Calabash values prints out only ****

I'm trying to get the value of a property using Calabash, specifically the "value" property on my "CustomSwitch" class. Here's the result anytime I try it:

irb(main):029:0> query "CustomSwitch", :value
    [0] "*****"

I get a similar output for just about every other view I try. Here's some more info about my setup:

xcode-select --print-path

xcodebuild -version
Xcode 7.1
Build version 7B91b

calabash-ios version

If anyone knows why this syntax is acting funky for me I'd greatly appreciate some help!


  • > query "CustomSwitch", :value

    This means that view matched by the query does not respond to the selector value. If this is an on-off switch that is a subclass of UISwitch, the correct selector is isOn.