I've been working on moving over a WPF program I wrote in C# over to PowerShell, and I'm having a little issue with appending text in my RichTextBox from Start-Job It looks like I can call the Set-RichTextBox where ever, except for inside the scriptblock. Is there a workaround?
#outside the ScriptBlock
Set-RichTextBox -message "This does work"
#outside the ScriptBlock
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
function Set-RichTextBox
param (
Set-RichTextBox -message "This doesn't work"
I can call RichTextBox anywhere except for within the Start-Job, I do not get any error messages. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
to me it seems it works:
Remove-Job *
$job = Start-Job -Name Test -ScriptBlock {
function Set-RichTextBox
param ([string]$message)
Set-RichTextBox -message "This should work..."
Start-Sleep 5
Get-Job |Where-Object {$PSItem.Name -eq "Test"} |Receive-Job
you might wanna have a look at: PowerShell: Creating Custom Objects
also these may or may not be related: