I just tried out IBM Watson's demo for automatic speech to text transcription. I tried the record button to transcribe my voice live using Firefox as browser. Most of the time the transcription was wrong or missing words. I also read about how Ted talks are transcribed, and I learned that they do it manually by having volunteers. I'd like to hear from anyone who has experience with speech to text engines about their experience with the current state of the technology. It doesn't seem to be good enough to transcribe text on the fly, nor is it good enough to transcribe text without serious manual intervention.
Link to IBM Watson speech to text demo
Good news! We just fixed the bug that the Speech-To-Text demo had in Firefox (it always worked fine on Chrome). Audio capture was bad after the first run, and corrupted audio was being fed into IBM Watson Speech-To-Text service, causing really bad recognition accuracy.
Please give it a try: https://speech-to-text-demo.mybluemix.net/