Given a SVN repository url how to find out which file extensions are the most touched.
Essentially I want to compare how much changes are done in JS versus C# code.
Thanks for the ideas.
I came up with this (extension is anything after last dot, ignore paths where there is no dot at all):
svn log $url -v | grep '^ M \|^ A \|^ D \|^ R ' | grep '\.' | awk -F . '{print $NF}' | sed 's/:.*$//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -bgr
Example output (limited to 5 checkins):
svn log -v --limit 5 | grep '^ M \|^ A \|^ D \|^ R ' | grep '\.' | awk -F . '{print $NF}' | sed 's/:.*$//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -bgr
20 xpm
20 bmp
19 h
19 cpp
16 cbp
7 am
4 xml
2 wxs
2 rc
2 in
1 xrc
1 workspace
1 m4
1 ac