The documentation for scribble (the Racket documentation tool) says that “Cross references within […] documents rendered together are always resolved”, but the file a.scrbl
below fails to reference the section in file b.scrbl
#lang scribble/base
@secref["sectag" #:doc "b.scrbl"]
#lang scribble/base
@section[#:tag "sectag"]{A section}
When compiling them with scribble --html a.scrbl b.scrbl
, I get:
Warning: some cross references may be broken due to undefined tags:
(part ("/path/to/b.scrbl" "sectag"))
How do I reference a section in b.scrbl
from a.scrbl
It seems to work if you remove the #:doc
#lang scribble/base
This might create an ambiguity though if you use the same tags in both documents, so you may have to change tag names or use your own tag prefixes.
I'm not sure why the relative path for #:doc
doesn't work as you expect. Maybe it is only used for referring to collection-installed documents.