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Toggle Opacity with HotKey in Terminal/iTerm

Is there any way to set up a hotkey to change the opacity in either the terminal or iTerm? I usually use a low percentage opacity and it would be nice to be able to toggle on and off quickly.

EDIT: Cmd + U does essentially the same thing without some customizability


  • You can use AppleScript to do that.

    i.e. in iTerm (ver. 2.9+) you can use the following to set all windows/sessons to 50% transparency:

    tell application "iTerm"
        repeat with aWindow in windows
            tell aWindow
                tell current session
                    set transparency to 0.5
                end tell
            end tell
        end repeat
    end tell

    Save that to a file and run it from the cmd-line via:

    osascript scriptname.scpt

    You could also drop it into and set it up to run via a Hot-key combo..

    Assuming you can do the same in, open up the AppleScript Dictionary for it and look at setting window properties/transparency...