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Multimodel database vs multiple individual databases?

I am working on application which requires features offered by both graph database(to store raw data) and document database(extracted reports from raw data). I planned to use neo4j and mongodb. I am having second thoughts about and looking at orientDB. is it better to have a single multimodel database than two separate databases? The reason I leaned towards neo4j is its native graph storage which might come in handy for memory locality for large graphs. OrientDB doesn't store graph natively. or does it?


  • OrientDB stores graph natively. Its engine is 100% a Graph Database like Neo4j. Actually OrientDB and Neo4j are the only Graph Databases with index-free adjacency. Some other Graph Database acts as a layer on top of an existent model (RDBMS, Column or Document stores).

    So there is nothing you can do with Neo4j that you can't do with OrientDB. But OrientDB allows to model more complex data, like Document DBMS (MongoDB) can do. For example each vertices and edges in OrientDB is a document (json), so you can store in the vertex and edge complex types like embedded properties, list, sets, date, decimal, etc.