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How to control toastr options (or set them globally) from Angular controller or module

Based upon a prior SO article on injecting toastr into your app/controller. I have setup my app.js as follows:

(function () {

   app = angular.module("app", ['breeze.angular']).value('ngToastr', toastr);

    //added toaster as factory so it can be injected into any controller
   angular.module('app').factory('ngNotifier', function (ngToastr) {
       return {
           notify: function (msg) {
           notifyError: function (msg) {
           notifyInfo: function (msg) {


as one of the answers stated I now have access to the toastr control from any controller.

app.controller('reportController', function ($scope, reportLibraryService, ngNotifier,  $log) {
    //report section

    var rvm = this;
    rvm.getReportList = GetReportList;
    rvm.onError = OnError;
    rvm.onReportComplete = OnReportComplete;

    $scope.userId = 1;

    function OnReportComplete(response) {
        $scope.reportList = response;
        ngNotifier.notify("Reports Loaded");


    function OnError(reason) {
        $scope.error = "Could not fetch the data.";

    function GetReportList(userId) {
        $"Getting reports for userid " + userId)
        reportLibraryService.getAllReports($scope.userId).then(rvm.onReportComplete, rvm.onError);

The question I have is how do I override the default options? I have tried two approaches so far. First adding an toastr div within the html with the options set, which did not work. And then I tried adding them within the factory but they were ignored there as well.

   angular.module('app').factory('ngNotifier', function (ngToastr) {
       return {
           notify: function (msg) {
               ngToastr.options = {
                   "closeButton": false,
                   "debug": false,
                   "progressBar": false,
                   "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right",
                   "onclick": null,
                   "showDuration": "300",
                   "hideDuration": "1000",
                   "timeOut": "5000",
                   "extendedTimeOut": "1000",
                   "showEasing": "swing",
                   "hideEasing": "linear",
                   "showMethod": "fadeIn",
                   "hideMethod": "fadeOut"
           }, ...

As a second part to this is toastr the correct tool to use or should I be using angular-toaster instead since this is an angular app? I currently do not have any jQuery dependencies anywhere else in my application.

thanks for any suggestions


  • For those trying to override a particular notification, rather than simply override the defaults globally, I was able to do so but with a catch. I wanted to make errors persist (set timeOut to 0) while success messages fade. So for a normal happy-path notification I just use:

    toaster.success('Nothing to see here folks', 'Move along');

    But for errors I want the message to persist so they can show their manager, write down the error message, whatever. This is easy with the original toastr project, you just pass a JSON object of override options as your last argument such as:

    toastr.error('Original toastr example', 'Click to dismiss', {timeOut: 0});

    Angularjs-toaster is different, you pass your params to the pop function.

    But this did NOT work:

               type: 'error',
               title: 'Need More Information',
               body: 'Error 42 occurred, run for the hills!',
               timeOut: 0

    I looked in the toaster.js code (I am using version 0.4.15) and it looks like you can pass ordered parameters to pop instead of a JSON object. This DID work:

                'Need More Information',
                'Error 42 occurred, run for the hills!',
                0 );

    Of course I'd prefer to pass an object with named params over a bunch of unlabeled params. I looked at their code closer and saw they changed the case sensitivity from timeOut to timeout!!! This works:

               type: 'error',
               title: 'Need More Information',
               body: 'Error 42 occurred, run for the hills!',
               timeout: 0