I'm an OpenSeadragon newb, and I would prefer to use npm to install it rather than depend on a downloaded version.
I'm having a little trouble with the syntax, and (so far) no amount of Googling has come up with an example. I assume it would look something like this:
var viewer = require('openseadragon');
But then, in particular, how would the prefixURL option be set?
Are there examples out there I haven't found?
Actually, the current version of OpenSeadragon (2.1.0) published on npm does not support require yet. It will be available with the next release and should be used like this:
var openseadragon = require('openseadragon');
var viewer = openseadragon({
prefixUrl: 'url',
In the mean time, you will have to include OSD manually:
<script src="node_modules/openseadragon/build/openseadragon/openseadragon.js"></script>
And create an instance like this:
var viewer = OpenSeadragon({
prefixUrl: 'url',