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Custom FancordionRunner does not compile. What's wrong?

I am trying to compile a FancordionRunner modeled after MyFancordionRunner from the official Fancordion user guide, however, the compiler throws this error...

Invalid args make(), not (|moneyToursRest::WebFancordionRunner->sys::Void|?)

Fantom compiler complains in the super(f) invocation:

new make( |This|? f := null ) : super( f ) { 
  f( this )
  outputDir = `target/specs/`.toFile

I have tried making the input parameter non nullable ( |This| f ) to no avail. Adding or removing the invokcation f(this) doesn't make any difference either. I have tried Fancordion v1.0.0 as well as the latest, v1.0.4

What am I doing wrong, please?


  • Looking at the docs for FancordionRunner.make() it seems make() doesn't take any parameters so the code can just be:

    new make() { 
        super.outputDir = `target/specs/`.toFile

    It seems example in the user guide is out of date - but this commit updates it.