I found R markdown/knitr useful tool to document my work and generate summary document.
I work with .Rmd (R markdown) files in RStudio. It seems that knitr provide appropriate functionality to generate .odt (Open Document Text) and .tex (LaTeX) documents from .Rmd.
However, R studio allows to choose .docx, .html and .pdf formats only.
I would like to avoid MS Word format since I prefer open standards and working under Linux.
Is it possible to add .odt and .tex options to Rstudio menu?
It doesn't seem possible to output odt directly in RStudio, but you can always use knitr::knit
to produce a markdown document and pandoc to produce the odt:
system("pandoc myDoc.md -o myDoc.odt")
You may have to adjust the pandoc options and adapt the template to get a nice looking result.
As for latex, you can keep the tex sources when compiling to pdf with the following option in your yaml front matter:
keep_tex: true