Given the axioms
Did Bob buy the scooter?
This is a homework question; it seems almost too easy, so I just want to check to make sure my logic is correct.
Since either Henry or Bob bought a scooter, and since Henry owns a bike and therefore loves racing and therefore cannot buy a scooter, then Bob must have been the one to buy the scooter.
Am I correct in my logic and my answer?
Owns a bike === A
Loves racing === B
Buys a skooter === C
Rephrase the logic conditions:
Henry is A
A => B
B => Not(C)
Henry or Bob is C
Henry is A => Henry is B => Henry is Not(C) => Bob is C
Meaning: Bob bought a skooter
So yes - you are correct. If it seems easy, it may be just to understand the tools you should use, to get you ready for more complex problems.