I have visual studio 2015 with PTVS, tested with both Anaconda Python 3.4 and 3.5 (64 bit).
I get an exception immediately when the the script imports numba, this is a minimal example:
import numba
The exception is:
dictionary changed size during iteration
The exception originates from
envs\python3.5\Lib\site-packages\numba\config.py line 169
It appears that only inside VS the following code gives an error, note that it iterates over locals()
and is updating globals()
for name, value in locals().items():
if name.isupper():
globals()[name] = value
Running the script from the Interactive window, in NVidia's Visual Profiler, jupyter notebook/command line interpreter works just fine so I suspect it must be something related to visual studio.
When I compare the contents of sys.modules
between environments I find that visual studio imports some additional modules when debugging
Otherwise no differences between the environments. Also, scripts without numba
don't throw any exceptions when importing them to VS. How can I fix this?
Outside of a function locals() and globals() refer to the same datastructure. Python does not allow changing a datastructure that is being iterated over. This has been fixed in the library in this commit https://github.com/numba/numba/commit/e50ab6ee4d95192d364cccced36cf0889860d023