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PayumBundle Paypal Express confirmation step

Is it possible to perform a custom action, such as checking a date, in payment confirm? I want that just after click the confirmation button do a query to database and depending on result confirm the payment to paypal or not.


  • Yes, it is possible. you have to overwrite the confirm order action.

    You can pass your own to the factory.

        'payum.action.api.confirm_order' => new AcmeConfirmOrderAction(), 

    If you are using symfony, register the action as service and add the tag:

       class: AcmeConfirmOrderAction
           - { name: payum.action, alias: payum.action.api.confirm_order, factory: paypal_express_checkout_nvp }

    I've not tested the code but it should be something like this. You can test it works with console command: app/console payum:gateway:debug