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Listview will not update everytime when i'm loading JSON file

I'm making a Windows store app using the MVVM pattern. When i'm loading my dictionary from a JSON file and binding it to the listview, then it won't update everytime i switch view. Sometimes the listview is updating, sometimes not. Some suggestions for what goes wrong?

class KundePersistency

public static async Task<List<Kunde>> LoadKunderFromJsonAsync()
    string kundeJsonString = await DeserializekunderFileAsync(JsonFileKunder);
    if (kundeJsonString != null)
        return (List<Kunde>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(kundeJsonString, typeof(List<Kunde>));
    return null;

private static async Task<string> DeserializekunderFileAsync(string fileName)
        StorageFile localFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync(fileName);
        return await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(localFile);
    catch (FileNotFoundException)
        return null;

Class BookingSystem (ViewModel)

private async void LoadKunder()
    _id = 1;
    var loadedKunder = await KundePersistency.LoadKunderFromJsonAsync();

    if (loadedKunder != null)
        foreach (var kunde in loadedKunder)
            KundeRegister.KundeMedId.Add(_id++, kunde);


Class KundeRegister (Model)

public class KundeRegister : INotifyPropertyChanged
   public Dictionary<int, Kunde> KundeMedId { get; set; }

public KundeRegister()
    KundeMedId = new Dictionary<int, Kunde>();           
    KundeMedId.Add(Kunde.Id,new Kunde("bob","bob","bob","bobbobbo","bob","bob"));
    KundeMedId.Add(Kunde.Id, new Kunde("bob", "bob", "bob", "bobbobbo", "bob", "bob"));


public void AddKunde(string username, string password,string adresse,string email, string name, string tlf)
    KundeMedId.Add(Kunde.Id, new Kunde(adresse, email, name, tlf, username, password));

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
    PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));



  • You need to User ObeservableCollection for your as Dictionary does not Implement INotifyPropertyChanged By Default

     private ObservableCollection<NavigationItem> _loadedKunder ;
        public ObservableCollection<NavigationItem> loadedKunder
            get { return _loadedKunder ; }
                if (value != _loadedKunder )
                    _loadedKunder = value;