I am trying to query a Mongo Db through R (rmongodb package). i have a simple requirement:
I saw this response to an earlier question (Mongo: If any array position matches single query) and am trying along the lines:
eids_l <- paste0("'", unique(usr$email), "'", collapse=", ")
eids_l1 <- sprintf("[ %s ]", eids_l)
q <- sprintf('{"email": {"$in": %s}}', eids_l1)
cursor <- mongo.find.all(mongo, namespace, buf)
I still get an error:
Error in mongo.bson.from.JSON(arg) :
Not a valid JSON content: {"email": {"$in": [ '[email protected]',
cursor <- mongo.find.all(mongo, "namespace", query='{ "email": { "$in": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ] } }')
Be careful with the use of apostrophes(') and quotation marks(").
I always use the rmongodb Cheat sheet: