I'm currently trying to use the Venmo-iOS-SDK for an application I am working on. The SDK is in objective-C, while I'm trying to use it with a swift app.
I'm having trouble translating the syntax of a completion obj-c block to swift. I found sample code implementing a function I want to use.
- (IBAction)logInButtonAction:(id)sender {
[[Venmo sharedInstance] requestPermissions:@[VENPermissionMakePayments,
withCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if (success) {
} else {
I've tried doing this
@IBAction func loginButtonAction(sender: AnyObject){
Venmo.sharedInstance().requestPermissions([VENPermissionMakePayments, VENPermissionAccessPhone], withCompletionHandler: { (success: Bool, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Void in
if success{
But get the error
"Cannot invoke 'requestsPermissions with an argument list of type '([String], withCompletionHandler: (Bool, NSError) -> Void)'
Is this a problem with how i'm translating the block? Or something else. Looking at the Venmo-SDK the obj-C functions are defined like this
- (void)requestPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions withCompletionHandler:(VENOAuthCompletionHandler)handler;
- (void)requestPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions withCompletionHandler:(VENOAuthCompletionHandler)handler;
You can write it like this (note the lack of types on the completion handler params):
@IBAction func loginButtonAction(sender: AnyObject) {
Venmo.sharedInstance().requestPermissions([VENPermissionMakePayments, VENPermissionAccessPhone], withCompletionHandler: { (success, error) -> Void in
// code here
A bit more concise with Swift 2 syntax would be omitting the -> Void
and explicit withCompletionHandler:
@IBAction func loginButtonAction(sender: AnyObject) {
Venmo.sharedInstance().requestPermissions([VENPermissionMakePayments, VENPermissionAccessPhone]) { (success, error) in
// code here
You'll also want to make sure you change your println
statements to print