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How to use Facebook Relay in a React app written in TypeScript (TSX)?

I would like to write a new web application in React that uses Relay to communicate with a GraphQL server. Recently JSX support was introduced for TypeScript. But there is no typings declaration file (.d.ts) for Relay on DefinitelyTyped. How can I write my application in TypeScript without having to write a typings file for Relay first?


  • Typescript doesn't require you have typings for all the libraries you use, it's just highly recommended. To use Relay without typings:

    import * as React from "react"
    let Relay = require("react-relay")
    interface HelloProps extends React.Props<HelloComponent> {
      viewer: {
        message: string
    class HelloComponent extends React.Component<HelloProps,void> {
      render() {
        return <div>Hello { this.props.viewer.message }</div>
    let Hello = Relay.createContainer(HelloComponent, {
      fragments: {
        viewer: () => Relay.QL`fragment on Viewer { message }`

    Then use Hello as a regular Relay component. The idea is that require is a function that takes a string and returns any so you can then use Relay variable as you would in vanilla Javascript.

    If you're not using Node.JS typings, you might need to add a typing for require. Somewhere in your d.ts files, add:

    interface NodeRequireFunction {
      (id: string): any;
    declare var require: NodeRequireFunction;