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Plotting realizations of a stochastic process in the same plot

I want to plot multiple realizations of a stochastic process in matlab. For a single realization I have the following code:

N = 80; 
T = dt*N; 
dWt = zeros(1,N);             
S= repmat(S0,1,N);

S(1) = S0;

dWt = sqrt(dt) * randn;

for t=2:N
dWt(t) = sqrt(dt)*randn;
 dSt = k*(mu-S(t-1))*dt + sigma*S(t-1)*dWt(t);
 S(t) = S(t-1)+dSt;

 plot(handles.pMeasure, [0:dt:T],[S0,S]);   

I want to replicate this loop n times and plot the results in one plot.


  • You could add an additional for loop, but it would be best to vectorize everything and calculate all n instances at once:

    k = ...
    mu = ...
    sigma = ... 
    S0 = ...    % Initial condition
    dt = ...    % Time step
    n = ...     % Number of instances
    N = 80;     % Number of time steps, not counting initial condition
    T = dt*N;   % Final time
    rng(1);                          % Always seed random number generator
    dWt = sigma*sqrt(dt)*randn(n,N); % Calculate Wiener increments
    S = zeros(n,N+1);                % Allocate
    S(:,1) = S0;                     % Set initial conditions
    for t = 2:N+1
        S(:,t) = S(:,t-1) + k*(mu-S(:,t-1))*dt + S(:,t-1).*dWt(:,t-1);

    There are further ways to optimize this if want or you can also try sde_euler in my SDETools Matlab toolbox:

    k = ...
    mu = ...
    sigma = ...
    dt = ...    % Time step
    n = ...     % Number of instances
    N = 80;     % Number of time steps, not counting initial condition
    T = dt*N;   % Final time
    f = @(t,y)k*(mu-y); % Diffusion function
    g = @(t,y)sigma*y;  % Drift function
    t = 0:dt:T;         % Time vector
    S0 = zeros(n,1);    % Initial conditions
    opts = sdeset('RandSeed',1,...
                  'SDEType','Ito'); % Set random seed, specify Ito SDE
    S = sde_euler(f,g,t,S0,opts);   % Simulate