I have an Esqueleto query that selects all of the StatusUpdate
s and their respective User
s. I'd like to limit it to only one StatusUpdate
per User
, and only StatusUpdate
s from the current day.
I have a working SQL query, I'm just struggling with turning it into valid Esqueleto.
SELECT "email", "subject"
FROM "status_update"
LEFT JOIN "user"
ON ("status_update"."user" = "user"."id")
WHERE "status_update"."id"
IN (SELECT MAX("status_update"."id") FROM "status_update" GROUP BY "status_update"."user")
What I have so far:
statusUpdates <- runDB
$ E.select
$ E.from $ \(status_update `E.LeftOuterJoin` user) -> do
E.on (status_update ^. StatusUpdateUser E.==. user ^. UserId)
E.where_ ((status_update ^. StatusUpdateId) `E.in_`
(E.subList_select $ E.from $ \(status_update) -> do
E.groupBy (status_update ^. StatusUpdateUser)
return (status_update ^. StatusUpdateId)))
( status_update ^. StatusUpdateId
, status_update ^. StatusUpdateSubject
, status_update ^. StatusUpdateMessage
, user ^. UserEmail
…Which produces the following output:
SELECT "status_update"."id", "status_update"."subject", "status_update"."message", "user"."email"
FROM "status_update"
ON "status_update"."user" = "user"."id"
WHERE "status_update"."id"
IN (SELECT "status_update2"."id" FROM "status_update" AS "status_update2" GROUP BY "status_update2"."user"); []
It seems the only thing that's missing is the MAX
function in my second select. I've been trying to squeeze E.max_
into different parts of the query but I can't seem to make anything work.
Instead of using subList_select
and trying to call max_
, you could just use sub_select
and have the subquery sort by date and limit 1.
This is the solution that I found, which seems to do the trick:
result <- select $ from $ \(user, status_update) -> do
let subquery = from $ \status_update2 -> do
where_ (status_update2 ^. StatusUpdateUser ==. user ^. UserId)
where_ (date (status_update2 ^. StatusUpdatePosted) ==. date now)
orderBy [desc (status_update2 ^. StatusUpdatePosted)]
limit 1
return (status_update2 ^. StatusUpdateId)
where_ (status_update ^. StatusUpdateId ==. sub_select subquery)
where_ (user ^. UserId ==. status_update ^. StatusUpdateUser)
( status_update ^. StatusUpdateId
, status_update ^. StatusUpdateSubject
, status_update ^. StatusUpdateMessage
, user ^. UserEmail
The resulting SQL is:
SELECT "status_update"."id", "status_update"."subject", "status_update"."message", "user"."email"
FROM "user", "status_update"
WHERE ("status_update"."id" = (SELECT "status_update2"."id"
FROM "status_update" AS "status_update2"
WHERE ("status_update2"."user" = "user"."id")
AND (date("status_update2"."posted") = date(date(?)))
ORDER BY "status_update2"."posted" DESC
AND ("user"."id" = "status_update"."user")
To satisfy the "only StatusUpdates
from the current day" condition I have defined date
and now
by importing Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Sql
date :: SqlExpr (Value UTCTime) -> SqlExpr (Value Int)
date d = unsafeSqlFunction "date" d
now :: SqlExpr (Value UTCTime)
now = unsafeSqlFunction "date" (val "now" :: SqlExpr (Value String))
However, what exactly "from the current day" means to you could be something different (past 24 hours, in a certain timezone, etc.).