Search code examples

What is the proper way to search array using Smart Match?

I'm new to programming much less Perl; I'm having difficulty with searching an array I've made from an external text file. I'm looking for a simple way to check if the user entry is located in the array. I've used the Smart Match function before but never in an "if" statement and can't seem to get it to work. Am I implementing this function wrong, or is there an easier way to check if the user's string is in the array?

use 5.010;
#Inventory editing script - Jason Black
print "1. Add Items\n";
print "2. Search Items\n";
print "Please enter your choice: ";
chomp ($userChoice = <STDIN>); #Stores user input in $userChoice

if($userChoice == 1){
    $message = "Please enter in format 'code|title|price|item-count'\n";

elsif($userChoice == 2){
    $message = "Enter search terms\n";

sub ChoiceOne{
print "$message\n";
chomp($userAddition = <STDIN>); #Stores input in $userAddition
$string1 = "$userAddition";
open (FILE, "FinalProjData.txt") or die ("File not found"); #"FILE" can be named anything
@array = <FILE>;

if ( /$string1/ ~~ @array){
print "This entry already exists. Would you like to replace? Y/N \n";

chomp($userDecision = <STDIN>); #Stores input in $userDecision
    if ($userDecision eq "Y"){  
        $string1 =~ s/$userAddition/$userAddition/ig;
        print "Item has been overwritten\n";}
    elsif($userDecision eq "N"){ 
        print FILE "$string1\n";
        print "Entry has been added to end of file.\n";}
        print "Invalid Input";

else {
    print FILE "$string1\n";
    print "Item has been added.\n";}

}#end sub ChoiceOne

sub ChoiceTwo{
print "$message\n";



  • If you want to avoid using smartmatch alltogether:

    if ( grep { /$string1/ } @array ) {

    To actually match the $string1, however, it needs to be escaped, so that | doesn't mean or:

    if ( grep { /\Q$string\E/ } @array ) {

    or just a simple string compare:

    if ( grep { $_ eq $string } @array ) {