I have been trying to produce a checksum based on a file header and am receiving conflicting results. In the slave devices manual, it states the following to produce the checksum:
"A simple eight-bit calculation is used for the header checksum. The steps required are as follows:
Here, I have created the following code in Lua:
function header_checksum(string)
local sum = 0
for i = 1, #string do
sum = sum + string.byte(i)
local chksum = 255 - (sum & 255)
return chksum
If I send the following (4x byte) string down print(header_checksum("0181B81800"))
I get the following result:
In the example given, it states that the byte should be AD
, which is 173(dec) or \255.
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with what I am doing; either the code written, my approach, or both?
function header_checksum(header)
local sum = -1
for i = 1, #header do
sum = sum - header:byte(i)
return sum % 256
print(header_checksum(string.char(0x01,0x81,0xB8,0x18,0x00))) --> 173