I want PHPdoc blocks were considered within the blade template.
PhpStorm 9, Laravel 5.1, blade template file:
/* @var App\Models\User $user */
<?= $user->email ?> <- autocomplete for the word "email" is working
{{ $user->email }} <- autocomplete not working
I tried different variants:
* @var App\Models\User $user
{{ /* @var App\Models\User $user */ }}
{{ $user->email }} <- autocomplete not working...
In such variant autocomplete works, but only within that block:
/* @var App\Models\User $user */
{{ $user->email }} <- here does not work again...
How to make the autocomplete worked in all blocks for blade templates?
At the moment (December 2015) PhpStorm does not support PHPDoc comments in Blade templates using Blade syntax (especially for completing Blade variables).
Please follow these tickets (star/vote/comment) to get notified on progress:
The aforementioned WI-26501 ticket was implemented in 2017 and you can now use PHPDoc comments to declare variables and their types in Blade files.
Be it PHP code blocks:
/** @var \App\Models\User $user */
/** @var \App\MyService $someService */
... or Blade-specific syntax (@php
... @endphp
@php /** @var \App\Models\User $user */ @endphp
See the following blog post for details: https://blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/2017/02/code-completion-in-laravel-blade-templates/