I need to be able to add & remove Angular components on the fly. To do so, I'm using loadIntoLocation and dispose methods, like it:
Adding a component (from a layout manager):
this.m_loader.loadIntoLocation(MyComponent, this.m_element, 'content').then(_componentRef => {
// Create the window and set its title:
var component: MyComponent = (_componentRef.instance);
component.ref = _componentRef;
// init the component content
Removing a component (from the component):
It is nearly working: - if I add a component, and close it, it works - if I add several components, they work - but if I add component A, then remove it, then add component B, it seems like Angular gives me a reference to A, and keeps some old values (my components are draggable, and in this case the B will be created A was when I destroyed it)
Is there a way to make Angular destroy components properly, or at least to force it to create fresh ones?
As suggested by Tim,
quoting @tbosch's comment
Angular reuses previously created DOM elements by default
So to avoid this behavior, taken from the comment as well, you can use APP_VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY
and assign it 0
as value.
bootstrap(MyApp, [provide(APP_VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {useValue: 0})])
Note that since beta.1 APP_VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY
was removed by #5993 and the DOM is being recreated correctly.