For 2 days I am trying to make a cocoapod
in swift
using Xcode 7.1.1
Problem is when I install pod using pod install
, my pod files get integrated with the project but I can not use my pod files. The reference is missing. The project does not recognize my pod files.
Tutorials I have tried:
Both pod lib lint
and pod spec lint
passes validation. Also I was successful in pod trunk push
You can get the pod in your project using
pod 'WARDoorView', '~> 0.1.2'
You can try the pod using
pod try WARDoorView
If you download the repo, the example project has compiler error in ViewController.swift
Use of undeclared type 'WARDoorView'
But I can see the WARDoorView.swift
under pods
The repository is at
God... after 3 days I'm able to find the issue.
I had to make my class public
and any function I want to call from outside public
public class WARDoorView: UIView { ...
public func doorOpen(angle: Double ...
public func doorClose(duration: NSTimeInterval ...
I thought public
was the default. I was wrong.
New pod using
pod 'WARDoorView', '~> 1.0.2'